Great, as always! Thank you for sharing.

It would be cool to see more for-profits in this field that are smart enough not to defraud their own customers. For-profits may find more opportunities to do good than a donation powered community. To me, most small donation based services are like pet lion cubs! They are cute, but very limited in what they can do and very costly to scale! And when they do scale, they become massive liabilities. So much so that their owners have to shift gears from growth to keeping up with current expenses (Wikipedia or an instance of Mastodon might be good examples).

We just need more people who genuinely care about science and integrity to be at the core of businesses. I see so much room for technological improvement that may significantly simplify these 6 steps. I just started a relevant discussion on Github, but unfortunately my account is currently flagged as a potential spam bot! Maybe I shouldn't have crammed for that Turing test! 😆

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